Special Mission NAV/COMM Radios
A Product of the Genesys Digital Radio (GDR®) Family
The Genesys Special Mission NAV/COMM radio adds extended VHF frequency range coverage (138 to 156 MHz) and/or UHF frequency coverage to the Civil NAV/COMM radio while satisfying VOR/ILS/GS/LOC/Marker navigation, VHF communications, and UHF communications requirements of government aircraft operations.
Extended VHF Frequency Range of 118-156 MHz with 25 or 8.33 kHz Channelization
Available with 16 or 25 watt Transmit Power
Additional UHF Frequency Range of 225-400 MHz

Key Features
- 28VDC Aircraft Power
- VHF COMM Transceiver
- Operational Frequency Range of 118.000 to 136.975 MHz
Comprehensive Controls
- Auto Selection of VOR or LOC mode by Channel Frequency
- Auto LOC (Localizer) and GS (Glide Slope) Pairing
- OBS Input via Bus for Operating Analog CDI in VOR
- Drives Analog Instrument Panel CDI, VDI, and/or Autopilot
- LOC Enabled Annunciator Output for Autopilot Gain Control
- Internal Glide Slope and ILS/VOR RF diplexer
- Selection of COM and VOR/ILS Channels via RS-232 or ARINC 429
- Two PTT Inputs Transmit Selection
- DME Tuning via ARINC 429
Receive and Decode
- VOR or LOC signals
- GS signals
- Marker Beacon signals
Audio Support
- Two Microphone Inputs
- Two Audio Outputs
- Separate Sidetone Output
COMM Subsystem Functions
- Class D Receiver with Class 3 Transmitter
- Class E Receiver with Class 5 Transmitter
The radio is interfaced to host controller/displays capable of controlling the navigation and communications functions via RS-232 or ARINC-429 serial interfaces.
Pairs with Genesys Control Panel or standard ARINC-429 controller, such as those available form Gables Engineering.
Primary Applications
- Maritime Patrol
- Civilian government agencies
- Military trainer
- Wildland firefighting
- Head-of-state/VIP transport
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